- Must have a package that provide Data and Marketing Automation Platform connections or a package that provides access to Audience Engagement Insights or Audience Subscriber Insights (if you have not purchased Audience Insights, Contact Support to have them set up the integration for you)
- Must be an admin for the Audience Insights account
- Salesforce account
- Salesforce Connected App set up: Salesforce Connected App Setup
- Must be a Salesforce user with permissions to authorize access to a connected app
Add Publish Integration
To publish a Salesforce integration from audience insights, follow these steps:
- Log in to Video Cloud Studio.
- Open the Integrations module.
- Click
- Click .
- Select Salesforce from the Destination dropdown.
- Fill out the form.
- Clicking will redirect you to Salesforce. If you are not logged in already, you will be prompted to log into Salesforce. There will be a prompt from within Salesforce asking you to authorize access for the application. If you accept, you will be redirected back to the scorecard.
Publish Manual Report
- Generate a report from the Audience Insight scorecard UI and navigate to the Reports page: