Measuring Content Momentum

Understanding the speed at which an audience is growing for any title, class, season, or series overall can provide powerful insights into your library. We’re excited to introduce a VOD Release Performance view in our Content Catalog. It’s easy to see the content performance over the first seven, fourteen and thirty days.

Our Scorecard has traditionally done a great job of providing insights into content engagement. It’s easy to see views, audience size, hours viewed, and relative entertainment value of your entire library through the lens of consumption over a time period that looks back from the present (last week, month, year etc).  These Insights can tell you a lot about your library, but what they don’t show clearly is momentum, which is an essential part of content performance.

We’re excited to introduce a VOD Release Performance view in our Content Catalog that measures engagement from the first day of availability.  It’s now easy to see the performance of content over the first seven, fourteen, and thirty days from the time it was published. This clearly illustrates momentum. It can show content that is strong right out of the gate versus content that builds an audience slowly over time, versus titles that never take flight, or pop early and then taper off.

This view is designed for easy comparison, and since it is not tied to the calendar, titles from different time periods can be looked at side-by-side. 

VOD Release Permance

Examples of interesting comparisons include:

  • Compare episodes within a season, across a series, or even across multiple series. Understand whether an audience is building episode by episode through the course of a season. Look for drop-offs after initial episodes.
  • Seasons within a series. Has a series peaked? Is it still growing season over season? This can be valuable information in terms of promotional strategies and can also factor heavily into licensing decisions and/or negotiations.
  • Movie or series premiere comparisons. Are your campaigns around new content working as expected? Do you have positive or negative outliers?

You can also compare content performance over a longer time period (the first 100 days from first view, with an ability to compare titles up to three years from their release), to see how titles, or seasons or entire series stack up in terms of daily consumption and overall audience growth. This can be seen by selecting “View Trends” which invokes a modal view that displays trend lines for the first twenty items listed in the catalog. There are four ways that you can look at these trends, all of which align to first view day for the titles/seasons/series that you are comparing:

  • Daily Audience Size: Easily see momentum (up or down) for your content.
  • Unique Audience Size: This is a great way to see the cumulative audience for any title, season, or series gained over time.
  • Unique Audience Gained Per Day: Our customers often wonder whether their new episodes/ seasons are drawing the same users or new ones, and now it’s easy to visualize.
  • Video Views: Similar to daily audience size, this is a great way to see daily momentum.

Content Performance Over Time

Coupled with our Attention Index (our scoring system for measuring entertainment value) these performance views can provide valuable insights into whether content is over or under promoted. For example, you might have a sleeper hit on your hands if a title grows slowly at first, but scores a high Attention Index score, and picks up steam along the way. This would be a great show or movie to double down promotion around. On the other hand, if you see a big initial bump, but a low Attention Index score and steep engagement drop-off, then you probably have an over-hyped title on your hands, that’s best left on the back burner in terms of promotion and curation. These are just a few examples of ways that you can better understand your library and audience by looking at momentum and entertainment value together.

We’re excited to put these new tools for measuring content momentum in the hands of our customers. We believe that it will help them license, curate and promote their content more effectively, driving up engagement and ultimately improving lifetime value of their customers.