Integration Properties: Definitions

In this topic, you will learn about the properties generated by the Audience Insights export reports.


This document details the properties generated by the Audience Insights reports feature. These properties can be published to partner integrations such as Salesforce, Hubspot, Eloqua, Braze, and more.

This guide will aid in the effective use of data export for enhanced audience insights and targeted marketing strategies.

Subscriber Export Properties

The following properties are available for accounts that track subscriber id.

Subscriber Export Properties
Label Type Description
Days Since Last Video View Number Days since the viewer last had a video view.
Devices Used (Last 3 Months) String All devices used in the last 3 months.
Email Hash (MD5) String MD5 hash of email (if configured).
Email Hash (SHA2) String SHA2 hash of email (if configured).
Engagement Status String The current engagement status of viewer. In-depth explanation of how this is calculated is illustrated in UI.
Fan of Series String Series where, in the last 3 years, the viewer has watched either 10 episodes or half the episodes available.
Hours Viewed (Last 3 Months) Number Sum of the watch duration of all views in the last 3 months.
Is Reconnect Boolean True if the customer has previously churned and reconnected.
Last Video View Date Date Date of the most recent video view.
Primary Device Used (Last 3 Months) String Most frequently used device in last 3 months by view count.
Primary Device Used (Lifetime) String Most frequently used device by view count.
Primary Viewing Location (Last 3 Months) String Most frequent viewing location in last 3 months by view count.
Primary Viewing Location (Lifetime) String Most frequent viewing location by view count.
Series Sampled String Series where in the last 3 years where at least 5 minutes of multiple episodes were watched.
Customer ID String Customer Id field. What this represents may differ depending on how account was configured.
Subscription Channel String Subscription Channel.
Subscription Currency String Subscription Currency.
Subscription End Date Date Subscription End Date.
Subscription ID String Subscription ID.
Subscriber Lifetime Value Number Sum of all revenue paid by customer.
Subscription Product String Subscription Product.
Subscription Special Offer Used Boolean Subscription Special Offer Used.
Subscription Start Date Date Date the subscription started, not including any trial period.
Subscription Trial Start Date Date Date the trial started.
Subscription Unit String Unit of the subscription period.
Subscription Unit Price Number Price of the specified subscription unit.
Subscription Tenure (in Days) Number Days since most recent subscription started.
Export Context String Set based on where the report was generated from.
Customer Subscription Count Number Number of subscriptions customer has had. Tracks churning and rejoining.
Customer Tenure (in Days) Number Total number of days customer has been subscribed, across all subscriptions.
Customer Voluntary Cancellation Count Number Number of times the customer has actively cancelled a subscription.
Most Recent Videos String The 10 titles that were watched most recently.
Most Recent Entertaining Videos String The most recently watched 10 titles that watched at least 75% of the video.
First Watched Videos String Titles of the first videos watched by customer.
Top 3 Genres (Last 3 Months) String Top 3 genres in the last 3 months by view count.
Top 3 Genres (Lifetime) String Top 3 genres by view count.
Customer Hours Viewed Number Sum of duration of all views across all customer’s subscriptions.
Entertainment Index (Last 3 Months) Number

Entertainment Index for views in the last 3 months.

( Satisfied views (>= 75% watched) - Dissatisfied views (<=10% watched) ) / number of videos watched

Entertainment Index (Lifetime) Number

Entertainment Index for views in the last 2 years.

( Satisfied views (>= 75% watched) - Dissatisfied views (<=10% watched) ) / number of videos watched

Segment Ids String Segments ids for the segments the viewer is a part of.
Segment Names String Segments names for the segments the viewer is a part of.

Registered User Export Properties

Registered User Export Properties
Label Type Description
CustomerId String Customer Id field. What this represents may differ depending on how account was configured.
firstViewDate Date Date of first view in the last 2 years.
lastViewDate Date Date of most recent view in the last 2 years.
daysSinceLastEngagement Number Date of most recent view in the last 2 years.
tenure Number Days since the first view in the last 2 years.
engagementStatus String The current engagement status of viewer. In-depth explanation of how this is calculated is illustrated in UI.
primaryDeviceLast2Years String Device with highest view count in last 2 years.
primaryDeviceLast3Months String Device with highest view count in last 3 months.
devicesUsedLast3Months String All devices used in last 3 months.
primaryLocationLast2Years String Location with highest view count in last 2 years.
primaryLocationLast3Months String Location with highest view count in last 3 months.
fanOfSeries String Series where, in the last 2 years, the viewer has watched either 10 episodes or half the episodes available.
hoursViewedLast3Months Number Sum of duration of all views in the last 3 months.
hoursViewedLast2Years Number Sum of duration of all views in the last 2 years.
mostRecentVideos String The 10 titles that were watched most recently.
mostRecentEntertainingVideos String The most recently watched 10 titles that watched at least 75% of the video.
firstWatchedVideos String The first 10 titles that were watched in the last 2 years.
genreTop3Last3Months String Top 3 genres watched in the last 3 months by view count.
genreTop3Last2Years String Top 3 genres watched in the last 2 years by view count.
entertainmentIndexLast3Months Number

Entertainment Index for views in the last 3 months.

( Satisfied views (>= 75% watched) - Dissatisfied views (<=10% watched) ) / number of videos watched

entertainmentIndexLast2Years Number

Entertainment Index for views in the last 2 years.

( Satisfied views (>= 75% watched) - Dissatisfied views (<=10% watched) ) / number of videos watched

exportContext String Set based on where the report was generated from.
segmentNames String Segments names for the segments the viewer is a part of.
segmentIds String Segments ids for the segments the viewer is a part of.